NY Bomb Scare - the aftermath

Who Is Really Behind All These Bombs?
Al Qaeda? (in Somali & NY at the same time?)
Islamists? (aren't they the targest for Al Qaeda?)
Out of Work Merceneries? (need extra work?)
The Real Question Is:
What Should Muslims Do?
Find out more...
Who Is Really Behind All These Bombs?
Al Qaeda? (in Somali & NY at the same time?)
Islamists? (aren't they the targest for Al Qaeda?)
Out of Work Merceneries? (need extra work?)
The Real Question Is:
What Should Muslims Do?
Who are the people behind these attacks and plots?
Where does Islam fit into the picture?
Are the good, righteous Muslims involved?
... Is there a conspiracy?
What is really going on in the world today?
Many Muslims are asking, "What Should We Do?"
Here is what Muslims SHOULD NOT DO:
Bloodshed, violence and mayhem are the works of the devil (shayton) himself and following his footsteps is exactly what Allah has forbidden the believers to do.
Look to the Quran, in surah Baqarah, ayah 30 -
And again in the very same surah, ayah 208 -
One thing for sure, Islam does not allow the believers to perpetrate such attrocoties, especially in the name of religion.
Reports of extermist Militant Muslims bombing extremist Muslim Islamists (where do they come up with these names??) on Friday Jummah(?) in a Masjid(?) while they are waiting for the khutbah(?) - all of this is far beyond our capability to even imagine.
Regardless of what conspiracy theory someone may come up with - our job, as Muslims is to constantly reassure each other, and especially our youth - NOT TO TAKE THE LAW INTO OUR OWN HANDS!
Allah Subhannah wa Ta'ala is never going to help the believers against their enemies unless and until the believers change themselves and begin to really act like the believers they claim to be.
We cannot - now, or ever - take up weapons and go about randomly attacking, killing and bombing innocent people. Regardless of what others may do to us, we cannot act in the same manner as they do. This is never accepted by Allah.